
Konta zank bertsotan


Olatu perfektua

Janbo eta habari
Udara disfrutatu
zute nahikoa?
Oain udazkena
Lana, kirola eta zinema.
Eta bertsoa
bere neurrian ze plazertxoa
Zein da kontua?
Bilatu behar da G puntua (bis)

Hurrengo asteburuan
Zortzi bat bertsolari
prest kanturako
Hortxe Orion
Ondarrutarrek zenbat zorion
Eta gloria
Ritxin etxean bertso-orgia
Hor da gakoa
Ez al da olatu perfektoa? (bis)

Aupa jendia! Zemuz daramazue iraileko aldapa-gora? Barrita nahikoa euki baezpa pajaran batek atakatzen badizue ere! Eta baten batek barritak behar baldin baittu, lasai: nik nereak emangoizkiot, ez dittut behar eta. Oporretan, bakizue... Nahiko arroz eta patata tortilla janda etorri nintzen Tanzaniako dry season-etik, seko-seko eginda, eta medikuak ze aholku emango ta kiwiak jan behar nittula! Ta Zelanda Berrira juteko han pilla daudela ta! Ba hola, hurrengo hilabetean Dorron ta biok bagoaz haruntza zakuka kiwi biltzera. Entzun det oso sagardo goxoa eiten dutela hango maoriek. Kiwiekin ez behintzat... Edo auskalo! Bazter hoitan edozer gauza. Ikusiko deu, probatu ta gero kontatuko dizuegu.

Bueno, ta gaiez aldatuz, ohiko zorion-agurren tartea: Lenengo ta behin zorionak Rositari!!! Berandu xamar bada re... Bigarrenez, zorionak zuen plazekin kontentu geratu zeraten irakasle guztioi... Eta azkenik, zorionak Exteri bere sinposiun edo dana dalakoagatik. Inglesezko bertsoen ondoan horrelako zerbait jartzea etzen gaizki eongo...

"Fernando Amezketarra sang two memorable songs at a performance in Azpeitia in 1799.

Bertsolari competitions became more popular over the first forty years of the 18th century.

Written verses, however, were to play a key role in publicising their protests.

The unschooled bertsolaris of the time were illiterate, and needed relatives, friends or acquaintances to write down the verses they had in their memories.

This was the first step in the “professionalisation” of bertsolaris, which took the art from the bar out into the street, the village square, the fronton, the theatre, the cinema and the church.

Subjects, which until then had been real topics, became fictional;a fiction close to reality, naturally.

Just as down through the centuries the bertsolaris had adapted to change, so the topics and the bertsolaris themselves became much more sophisticated.

Basque Country Bertsolari Association (later the Association of the Friends of Bertsolaris) was created in 1986.

Bertsolaris these days are increasingly younger, and the art itself has rejuvenated to a more urbane style".
