
Konta zank bertsotan


Sextan partez dezima

Today, long ago, somewhere...
hopefully I am not wrong,
a little baby was born,
his body was out of hair.
And so big as was his heart
his parents suddenly told:
"We are going to call him Haitzol
and he's going to be teacher"
Then years passed as in a race.
The little baby was grown,
hair came up as well as gone,
but he's the best in his place.
Although I can't face to face
I tell you: "for many years
a hat on your head you dress!!"
For you the biggest embrace.

Tzoloooo!!!!! Urte askuan txapela kaskuan!!! Egiya esan hemengo "rafting, skydiving, bungyjumping, kayaking, jetboating...."ta gaineako "-king" guztik eitten baino adrenalina gehio atea zait inglesezko habanera honekin! Izena ta dana jarri diot: "Dezimarting". Ba hoixe, nahiko inglexito bazaudete hortik korrektore lanak egiteko...

Ondo pasau!
